Patrick Léonard

  • Pasfoto met naam Patrick LeonardBureau Léonard
    De Burletlaan 63
    2610 Wilrijk (Antwerpen)

    Tel.: +32 (0)3 / 4 48 06 15
    Fax: +32 (0)3 / 4 48 06 46


    Patrick Léonard, founding partner of the GIG, has a Master-degree in Finance and Business Sciences and is certified in TOC – manufacturing and Project Management.

    Patrick’s consulting experience covers implementation of DBR – methodology (Drum – Buffer Rope) in Pharmaceutical, electrical, chemical and glass- industry, business simulation studies in electronic, chemical and mechanical industry and implementation of Project Management (Critical chain) methodology in Pharmaceutical, Building, Design, Space, Hardware and Software companies.Patrick is an experienced Critical Chain – trainer. He educated over 200 people in open and dedicated workshops in Dutch, French or English.

    His software experience starts with the implementation of “Goal-System” – software in Pharmaceutical-industry and Cable manufacturing. Later he went to the design, analysis, and managing a programmers-group for finite capacity scheduling-system for manufacturing of building components and C&DS (=Control & Decision Software) – A modular system for management decision support on Oracle Database with graphical user interfaces. C&DS-modules have been developed for DBR application (Drum Buffer Rope) and Enterprise Applications for Project Management.