
  • Achieving your business goals

    Goldratt Implementation Group is your partner in achieving your business goals.
    Our clients appreciate the short time to results and the fact that we assist all the way, from analysis to results.

    Key features of what we offer are:

    • The use of leverage points to achieve fast results
    • Innovative and still common-sense solutions
    • Efficient and energizing implementation processes.

    We work together with you and your people in order to ensure that there will be:

    • Win-win for all involved
    • Long-term benefits by know-how transfer and institutionalization.


    Our mission is to offer our clients simple solutions for direct, remarkable and lasting improvement by applying the Theory of Constraints (TOC). Thus we enable our clients to significantly increase their ability to continuously improve their bottom line

    In pursuing our mission we adhere to the following premises:
    1. Combine Simplicity & Completeness.
    2. Combine wealth creation & social responsibility.
    3. Seek for win-win solutions to assure that everybody will benefit.
    4. Have confidence in the power of individuals, their intuition and their ability to unleash it.

    Combining Logic and Intuition

    Our approach to achieve our mission is through the development and dissemination of the Theory of Constraints (TOC), a widely recognized management philosophy for running and improving organizations on an ongoing base. TOC is a common sense approach that delivers impressive and fast results by aiming the improvement effort on the leverage point of the organisation – the weakest link – the constraint.

    Solutions for ultimate success

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    Our services

    The span of our services may be either  Hoistic Company Development or Performance Development of a Specific Company Function and comprise of:

    • Consulting
    • Coaching
    • Facilitation
    • Education.